Coff(r)ee… March without coffee

Inspired with Leo Babauta and his book I decided to test his ZTD system and challenge it with drinking coffee habit which I would like stop just to check is my health will improve in some areas.
It’s not easy challenge for me because I love coffee to the bits…
I’m coffee drinker who like to start day with morning coffee and something sweet. I love coffee for the taste, smell even the colour. And it’s not easy to avoid coffee beverage in our house because my husband is heavy coffee drinker too and he doesn’t want to skip it for something else.
Unfortunately I noticed that coffee start to stress my body with IBS syndrome so I need to try and replace my favourite drink with something more healthy.
I bought plenty flavoured green teas (tropical, raspberry, apple & blackcurrant, mint, mango & passion fruit), herbal teas (mint, linden, nettle) and grain coffee which looks like coffee (so I will  cheat my mind with it in crisis moments).
Nine days past… my body is coffee free for one week and two days.
How I feel?  I definitely still miss taste of coffee. Yesterday I had little headache and tried to convinced myself that my organism need coffee but finally I didn’t break my monthly resolution “March Without Coffee”
I didn’t notice yet more positive aspects of not drinking coffee but probably it’s still too early.
22 days more to come let’s see what will change later.

Watery or healthy subject…

One of my first post when I started blogging was subject of drinking water… I wrote about all properties of regular drinking water.
Today I would like to write about ways how to monitor our intake of fluids… just for better knowing or for improve healthy habit:
1. Always have access to it…handy small mineral water bottles are very useful and convenient.
I can recommend Orginal bobble water filter bottles which will make you want to drink water:)
I Wrote original because on eBay there are many auctions which looks similar but there is difference when you will drink (make embarrassing noise:p) I got one from fake resource so I know what I’m writing about:p.
2. There is plenty Watery Water Apps…more than 100 hundred… from Water your body, Hydro drink Water, Drinking Water, Waterbalance, Hydro Coach, Water tracker… whatever you want, whatever you need.
It’s very good way to monitor drinking habits… Most of them got visual graphs or statistics, they got reminders which really help to improve water intake and water balance of whole body.
3. For someone who is not keen with technology and all app world I got idea to draw 8 glasses in the personal organizer or dairy and try to tick them when you drink glass of water… or buy small dots  or stars stickers and stick one for every 250ml of water in your calendar, organizer, dairy… just do it daily:p

Do you have any other ideas which may be helpful for us?
Share it if you like.

How to plan?


Another Sunday… another end of the week. And questions… lots of questions in my head. I ask myself what I can do better?… how  plan my week?… how manage days? … how spend hours? and later not regret.
I sit in my little room which I call “home office” and think… write…again write and think.
I got my little helpers: beautiful planner for 2015 (which I’m still learning how to use), little purple notes for all “to do” lists and other things that come to my mind and I don’t want to loose (means forget), I got also my phone on my side which is very important for me and big cup of white coffee which help me to be focus.
I plan meals for whole week, shopping list… where?, when?, and what?
I plan cleaning routine (clean house equal clean mind) and beauty routine as well.
It’s look like lots of planing but all this lists help me survive as a mum, housewife, full time worker, woman who’s got own needs.
What’s your tips for managing time and planing busy life?

Feel free to share your comments,  thoughts, advices.

Treasure… coconut oil


Coconut oil is like a treasure on the shelf in the kitchen cupboard… has been applied both in the kitchen and in cosmetics due to its characteristics, health and wellness properties. Obtained from the flesh of coconut oil is widely regarded as the healthiest oil on earth. Consumed in low to moderate amounts can bring many benefits.

Coconut oil for weight loss. Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are a unique group of fat cleansing because they are metabolized differently than other fats. After getting into the body shall not be converted into fat, but are immediately used for energy production, and thus – to accelerate the rate of metabolism. This means that after eating a meal containing coconut oil faster burns calories necessary to prevent overweight and obesity. Furthermore, coconut oil is very fueled, therefore, quickly and satisfy hunger for long, which prevents overeating and snacking between meals. Consequently, during the day consumes a smaller amount of food, and thus – calories. People who are on diet should eat two tablespoons (30 ml) coconut oil a day.

Coconut oil can prevent cardiovascular disease It follows that coconut oil helps to increase “good” cholesterol reductions at the expense of “bad” LDL cholesterol, and hence – lowers the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Oil Coke for athletes and bodybuilders Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) are quickly transformed to digestible energy, the “fuel” that is necessary while playing sports. Furthermore, due to the fact that the limited tendency to accumulate fat, they also help build muscle mass.

Coconut oil and diabetes Coconut oil improves insulin secretion and thereby regulates blood sugar levels. This prevents the development of insulin resistance (a reduced insulin action on target tissues), followed by diabetes. Furthermore, coconut oil reduces the risk of the development of these two diseases by reducing body weight gain. Because they are often diagnosed in people’s overweight and obesity.

Coconut oil – a natural antibiotic Coconut oil consists of lauric acid, which has potent antibacterial as well as viral and fungicidal properties

Coconut on dementia Medium chain triglycerides present in the oil coking helping in the treatment of diseases associated with the functioning of the brain, especially Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s

Coconut oil – used in cosmetics The fatty acids in the oil coking deeply penetrate and nourish the skin, making it an excellent moisturizing and smoothing cream. Therefore, the need to reach it posiadaczki dry and dehydrated skin. The antibacterial properties of lauric acid makes coconut oil well combat acne. To get rid of pimples, oil can be rubbed into the skin, as well as add it to the food instead of other vegetable fats. Furthermore, coconut oil protects the skin from the sun, as it exhibits the same effect as sunscreen SPF 10.

Coconut oil – the best cold-pressed Coconut oil is the healthiest this cold pressed. At a temperature of 26 ° C remains in solid form, such as lard is white, but unlike the jars and has shown a very pleasant smell breeze. At higher temperatures, it becomes liquid. You can also get to know him after a short time, durability and high price.


Beware of refined coconut oil, which is produced at high temperatures and sometimes also using chemical solvents, because it is devoid of many of its health-promoting properties. This oil has a longer shelf life, is a colourless, odourless, taste, and is on average two times cheaper than oil, cold pressed.

Coconut oil – used in the kitchen Coconut oil can be used as butter and lubricate to bread. In addition to its base can prepare cakes, pies and chocolate desserts. In view of the fact that coconut oil is dissolved at a temperature of approx. 26 degrees C may also be added to the dressings and salad dressings, of course, moderation.

Ready Steady Cook (1)


Today I would like to share with you tasty and healthy… easy to make… idea for… something to eat.
Ingredients I used:
1. Two chicken breast filets
2. 400g dried orrechiette pasta
3. Feta cheese (I used Apetina Garlic & herbs cubes – my favourite)
4. 400g broccoli florets (fresh or frozen)
5. 3 Garlic cloves
6. Black olives (which are not visible on the pictures because I forget about them neatly till the end:p)
How to make it:
1. Cut chicken filets into small pieces … then put it on the frying pan on pre-heated olive oil and cook until pink meat will be white.
2. Cook pasta in the salted water following instructions on the packet.
3. Cook broccoli in the salted water till make it soft little bit.
4. Crushed garlic cloves stirr for 30 sec on preheated olive oil.
5. Cut black olives into small pieces.
6. Mix all Ingredients in one large pot… and… it’s ready to serve.


Tips: If you like a little bit kick in the food you can sprinkle this dish with chilli flakes…
Or you can make vegetarian version skipping chicken filets.

Let’s start 2015 with the Test


End of December was very difficult for me. I had constantly headaches and felt very low. At some point I start to think that I have mild kind of depression….

But why?? How it’s possible that I am not happy if 2014 was great… What need to happen or what need to be done to bring me happiness back in 2015.


Imagine glass… glass with water… What do you see?? Is it half full? or half empty? People who see it FULL are optimistic and happy, people who see opposite and will say half EMPTY or pessimistic, not happy and they always missing something. I start to think where I will put myself… I had great 2014… it was fast and busy but lots of positive things happen, all of us were healthy, I started to write my blog… but still something made me not happy in the end.

This YEAR I will try to live slower… but happier… I will try to open my eyes for every little detail what can make me smile… live slower in the kitchen… more slow cooking…pure (I will try to avoid preservatives as much as I can)… fresh and simple… homemade and handmade instead quick buying and consuming.

What is your answer to the test?? Are you lucky and belong to the group optimistic and happy people?? Please share your comments or ideas how to improve quality of life?? You can help people like me:P who are difficult to pleased.

ALL of my readers I would like to wish GREAT and POSITIVE 2015

Keep calm… be Happy